Help support your local community centre!
donate now
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What can you do to help
A donation to the Centre will ensure that we are able to do the following:
- continue with our local food bank.
- continue to deliver holiday activities
- continue with our weekly term time stay eat and play activities.
- signpost members of our community to help with benefits, health and other related services
- enable us to rent affordable room spaces.
You can make a donation in the following way:
Lloyds Bank
Sort code: 30-90-89
Account number: 37745560
Reference: Core costs
Please help keep our Centre open!
With reductions in funding grants and now having to compete with larger organisations for smaller funding pots we find ourselves in the position of prioritising what we can deliver to our community. Making a contribution however small means that your donate goes directly to the cause which means the most to you.
- Support the Centre's core costs
- Support our holiday programmes
- Support our weekly young youth sessions
- Support our food bank to remain open